Welcome at FreeTime Toys

Hello everybody and welcome here. This blog will be dedicated to the few toys projects I will do during my free time. You can expect some toys rehab, some design adaptation and some brand new design.

If you are here you probably know my taste for Jumbo Machinder, so most of my projects are related to those big guys. Hope you will enjoy it.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Clear Doublas virtual concept

The good thing with 3D is that once you have your model and a few textures, you can decline it and just do what's on you mind. It's a bit the case here as I've push my modeling quite far to get a decent and optimize 3D print of Doublas in small versions. With the influence of a post on TBDX BBS with clear toys, and also with the influence of the Incubot Sofubi, I wanted to try a little render test of a clear Doublas and a version with paper inserts. And also because I'm waiting my 3D print for a long long time and there's huge amount of delays in the orders, I had a bit of time to try it.

The fact that the 3D model is not just the exterior surfaces but there's all the details of the inner surfaces and the connections parts, make this super interesting with a clear render as this create interesting refractions.

Could be fun to produce that little guy one day, well after all the stuff I have to do before, like painting the Q9 for example and doing some new characters also. Good stuff with that kind of versions of Doublas, no paint is required :))

So here's the clear version of it.

 And here's the version with paper inserts.